SEO Packages

What is SEO?

SEO is a type of work that stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process that is conducted so that internet sites rank higher in search engines, especially on Google. Your site ranking high increases your organic traffic and your brand recognition. Increasing the sales of your services and products via search engines is through SEO. The purpose in SEO works is to increase services, products or organic traffic by increasing the internet site visibility.


How is SEO Done?

A SEO strategy work is a process that aims for internet sites to rank high in the set words. The purpose in SEO works is to be able to provide the most correct information to the users who are searching on search engines. SEO gets your brand to rank high in search engines and ensures an increase in your brand recognition and your rankings. SEO is the most preferred and inexpensive in the digital marketing subject. The fact that it is more inexpensive than the other marketing channels and delivers a better performance shows the importance of SEO.

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    What Are SEO Packages?

    Nowadays, SEO packages refer to SEO works being sold as a package by individual or corporate companies. Although the sale of SEO works as a package make people view SEO works as more charming, SEO is not really a package work. Today, companies that want to earn more money in terms of SEO sell package works like full package, mega package. But a SEO strategy work is specific for every site and sector. Performing the same work for every brand that is served means sabotaging the service or product that is sold by the brand. If you are considering purchasing SEO services, you should think of SEO works as a package. As mentioned earlier, SEO refers to works that are performed specific for the brand. A SEO strategy work that is performed for a site that sell shoes will never be the same as the SEO done for doctor sites. Although they are the same in principal, different SEO works are done in every sector.

  • Why You Should Not Buy SEO Packages

    SEO packages are those that are put forth by some internet sites and that contain works like backlink, on-page analysis, competitor analysis and code analysis. SEO packages may sound good, but in reality, SEO is a work that should be performed specific to every site. Performing the same SEO packages or works for every category, sector and brand will cause the relevant site to go spam. SEO works should be done with different strategies based on the sector. But when you buy SEO works as a package, you actually perform a work that is performed by everyone for a sector that requires different strategies. Buying SEO works which are performed differently for each sector as a package will not be the right choice for your brand. SEO agencies perform their special analyses for every new site and set out a roadmap that will allow the relevant site to rank high in search engines in a short while. This does not apply for every site. The agencies analyze your brand and examine the technical errors, content quality, descriptions and coding structure of your site. After these steps, they correct the mistakes that are found and thus your site is made to deliver a better performance in search engines. The packages that are sold today as SEO packages will be extremely damaging as they perform the same procedure for every site. Although applying almost the same works on every site will yield the desired results at first, the SEO strategy work will fail in the long run.

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  • Our Pride Painting!

    Want to see the words with the highest search volume that we've had first page success with so far?

    Search Terms Average Monthly Searches
    Teeth Whitening
    Gift Box
    Monthly Search Volume
    • In the Left 10 Words 610.100
    • Keywords We Put On The First Page 3.789.000
    Simur Digital

    How Do We Look at SEO?

    SEO is basically known as a work done to increase keyword rankings. However, the rise of your keywords in search engines also increases both your organic traffic and brand awareness. Users who make queries through search engines are directed to the most accurate result thanks to algorithms. SEO comes into play at this stage, ensuring that your site is the most accurate in search results. It is thanks to SEO that your brand delivers its products or services to your potential customers. As Simur Digital, we can say that our SEO work is different for each brand. Let's take a look at the SEO steps we performed during our SEO studies;

    • SEO Analysis
    • Keyword
    • Content Analysis
    • Backlink Operation
    • Reporting
    • SEO Analysis

      Before starting on our SEO works, we perform our SEO analysis process that we do specific for every brand for you as well. The SEO analysis that we perform is one of our procedures that we perform to determine the problems that your site is having in the SEO department. Thanks to the SEO analysis, we see in our SEO analysis process why your site ranks behind in search engines, your rivals, your backlinks and many of your works. We perform our SEO analysis process that we perform at certain intervals throughout the duration of our services for your site as well. We determine the faulty and incorrect actions that you perform on your site and can make it rank much higher in search engines.
    • Keyword

      We perform an analysis specific for the keywords that you use on your site. Our analysis is one of our steps that we conduct to see how much the keywords that you use on your site are searched and how much click they get. We determine your words that do not have search volume and make the necessary arrangements. After these procedures, we research the keywords that are suitable for the sector of your brand and add them to our list. We divide the keywords that we add on our list into groups like long tail, blog and service keyword, and send them to our author team to be written.
    • Content Analysis

      Before entering the contents of the words that we create for you in our keyword list, firstly your old contents are analyzed. The purpose here is to determine the contents on your site that do not benefit the user and that do not have search volume. We make your old contents SEO-friendly either by deleting them or editing them. We prioritize the word groups that your brand needs the most in our keyword list that we create, and make sure that they are entered on your site first. We do the contents like blogs, category descriptions later and prioritize your service contents. Thus we get the service that your brand delivers on search engines to potential customers.
    • Backlink Operation

      Backlink operation is one of the last procedures that we do for your site. After correcting the technical SEO errors, we start our backlink works so that your brand performs better on search engines. Our backlink works usually progress with the logic of quality backlinks from places suitable for your sector and brand. You should know that we are aware of how getting links from poor quality sites that might damage your brand could damage your brand.
    • Reporting

      The reporting phase contains every work that is performed for your site. Our SEO reports that we send you monthly or weekly include the works that are performed on your site. You can find lots of information in our reports, from the performance of your brand in search engines to the technical SEO errors that are eliminated. As Simur Digital, we will always keep in touch with your brand. We deal with the procedures that are requested daily or momentarily, or the problems that arise when we are in contact. You can transmit the procedures that you want for your site via channels like e-mail, WhatsApp, live chat.
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