SEO Analysis

What is SEO Analysis?

As is known, SEO generally refers to the works to increase organic traffic by carrying internet sites to higher ranks in search engines, especially on Google. As for SEO analysis, it is a process that scans the relevant internet site during the SEO works and discovers their mistakes and errors. SEO analysis is performed by many tools nowadays. However, each tool performs the analysis based on the criteria within itself. Therefore, performing a SEO analysis for your site through a tool will be the wrong choice. You should control your site with multiple tools and take actions accordingly in order to perform an analysis correctly. You should compare the analysis results so as to not do something based on the criteria that every tool determines within itself. This is how you can get to the most proper analysis result.


Why is SEO Analysis Performed?

A SEO analysis is basically performed in order to determine the sites’ as to where they are behind in terms of search engines. An analysis is performed so that an internet site that has just started or that is continuing with its life can get better ranks in search engines. The errors that come out during the SEO analysis process and the mistakes that have been made are determined and eliminated within the site. Thus, the site is made to be mistake-free and SEO-friendly and is ensured to rank better. The SEO analysis tools are generally those that have been developed to find the errors on your site. That is, using SEO analysis tools will not take you higher ranks in the search engines, it takes you higher up to deal with the errors there.

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How We Do SEO Analysis?!

Our agency carries out SEO analyzes specifically for each brand agreed on the SEO side. We also do the necessary analysis for brands that only want SEO analysis. Our SEO analysis process may take longer depending on the size of your brand and site. In our SEO analysis process, we analyze the performance of your site in the search engine, your competitors, your backlinks, your content and the targeted position in detail. We add all the codes, content and everything else that is not compatible with SEO on your site to our report and send it to you. If you wish, let's take a look at what we do in our SEO analysis process;

  • Teknik Analiz
  • Anahtar Kelime Analizleri
  • İçerik Analizleri
  • Backlink Analizi
  • Rakip Analiz
  • Technical Analysis

    During the SEO analysis process, firstly your site is controlled as to how it is scanned by Google and the other search engine bots. The search engine bots not being able to healthily scan your site will get your site’s rank lower in the search results. No matter how much work is done on the internet sites that cannot be scanned healthily by the search engine bots, they cannot achieve a good position. The availability and mobile compatibility on your site are controlled after this stage. As is known, SEO is not only done for search engines. Nowadays, sites that care about the users can place in the position they want in the search result pages. We control whether your site have any issues in terms of mobile and we add it to our report that we prepare for you. Our technical SEO analysis is basically performed to have detailed information on the operation of your site. We perform our technical analyses based on our list items that we prepare so that your site can be designed to fit the SEO criteria.
  • Keyword Analysis

    After completing our analyses on the technical front and adding the necessary information to our report, we perform keyword analysis for your site. At this stage of ours, we add all keywords on your site to a list. We understand the level of relevance of your keywords in our list with your sector and your brand. It is right at this stage where we determine the search volume of your keywords on your site and their benefit to the users. We divide the list that we create for your site into groups according to those with and without search volume, to their relevance with your site and to their benefit to your users. After analyzing the keywords on your site, we make a keyword list for you to use in the future in general. The keyword list that we will create at this stage is made based on the target audience that your site will address. We divide our keyword groups that especially your target audience search for, that have search volume and that are long tail in your list, and send it to you.
  • Content Analysis

    After preparing your keyword list, we perform the analyses of your contents. Our content analysis part is performed for the analysis of the contents on your site. As is known, the contents have become significantly important due to Google algorithms. Therefore, we include content analysis in our SEO analysis process. One of the factors that we pay attention to when we analyze your contents on your site is the quality of the contents. Contents of quality have always ranked higher in search engines. We look at whether the contents on your site are of quality and we add it to our content report that we create. We particularly specify the contents that do not benefit the users and that are of poor quality in our report and make sure they are rectified.
  • Backlink Analysis

    Backlink is the only procedure that allows your site to rank high in the search engines. That is why we perform backlink analyses for your site. The primary goal in SEO works is always to eliminate the on-page mistakes. After the on-page mistakes are eliminated, initially the backlink works are performed. Our backlink analysis is done to analyze all links on your site. As is known, there are many sites that perform anti-SEO nowadays. Therefore, our backlink analyses are really crucial. We add the links to your site in a list and group them as spams, low quality and high quality.
  • Competitor Analysis

    Lastly in our SEO analyses, we analyze your rivals. This analysis of ours that we perform to see what your rivals are doing progresses extremely extensively. We encounter the quality of the contents of your rivals, the keywords that they use and their backlinks during our competitor analysis process. Competitor analysis plays an important role in the SEO works. The works, strategies and behaviors of rivals in the sector execute are pretty important. Thanks to our systems that we have specially prepared, we clearly learn at this stage what your rivals are doing.
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