SEO Expert

What is a SEO Expert?

A SEO expert refers to people who have the knowledge that is necessary to carry internet sites to higher ranks in search engines. SEO experts optimize the internet sites based on the criteria required by the search engines and allows the sites to rank high in search results. Ranking high in search engines is not something that every internet site owner can do. In short, a SEO expert uses the SEO tools and corrects the mistakes and the errors that are discovered as a result of the analysis of the sites.

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Can a SEO Expert Guarantee Success for His Works?

There is no such thing as a guarantee for success in SEO works. Every site, even every sector has its own peculiar structure. Google updates at least 3 times every year and directly affects the site rankings. SEO experts optimize the sites in light of the updates and helps them rank high. However, it would not be right for them to guarantee a rise or being at the top.

  • homeWhy
  • homeWhy

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Our Pride Painting!

Want to see the words with the highest search volume that we've had first page success with so far?

Search Terms Average Monthly Searches
Teeth Whitening
Gift Box
Monthly Search Volume
  • In the Left 10 Words 610.100
  • Keywords We Put On The First Page 3.789.000

Understanding Search Engines

As SEO experts, we firstly tell our customers whom we serve about how search engines work. Many of our customers think they know about it, but they really do not know all that much. In order to tell our customers about search engines, we first try to tell about the basic concepts, then about the other information. In order for our customers to understand what we do better, they need to learn how search engines work.

  • SEO Study
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Seo Study

    SEO is one of the toughest works to explain. With over 200 criteria, it is a work that can be defined as difficult in the world. We perform our basic analyses to figure out what type of mistakes the brands that we serve make about SEO and why they are behind on the search engines. With these analyses, we can see the mistakes and the errors of the brands’ internet sites. After correcting these mistakes and errors, we make sure that the site is suitable for user experience. Our purpose is not to design and optimize a site for search engine bots. What matters is to turn the users coming on your site into loyal customers. SEO works are divided into two main groups which are on-page and off-page. These groups contain all of the works that are needed for your brand to perform better in search engines.
  • On-Page SEO

    On-page SEO includes the errors in the site and the mistakes made. Many sites coming in our agency have been on air so they have mistakes and errors. Our SEO expert team find and correct the mistakes with the use of SEO tools. As a result of our technical SEO analyses, we determine why your site is behind compared to your rivals and we set out. We perform the technical SEO works of your site such as mobile compatibility, speed, design based on the search engine criteria and we make sure that your site works properly. We know that Google has a structure that always updates itself and thus we always design your site according to the up-to-date algorithm. We time based on the size of the site in our on-page SEO works. We make monthly planning for many criteria such as the meta description, contents, titles, multimedia use of your site. Thus, we spread these works over time and finish them all at once, preventing spam works. When the entire on-page optimization process ends, we optimize the contents on your site. As is known, content is taken as the most important ranking criteria by the search engines nowadays. We update the old and poor quality contents that have been on your site and make them SEO-friendly.
  • Off-Page SEO

    After the on-page optimization process is completed, we lastly start on off-page SEO works. Before the off-page SEO works, we analyze your rivals and your sector and we make out their backlink profiles. Backlink works are of great importance for your site to deliver a better performance than your rivals and thus rank high. The off-page SEO works allow your brand to become domineering on the search engines. We get the backlinks that are necessary for your site after having determined and listed the backlink profile of your rivals and your sector. In addition, we get promotion-type backlinks from other quality sites that might be domineering over your site.
  • Off Site Optimization

    After the on-site optimization process is finished, we finally start off-site SEO studies. Before off-site SEO studies, we analyze your competitors and your industry and create backlink profiles. Backlink studies are very important for your site to perform better than your competitors and thus to rise to the top. Off-site SEO works enable your brand to become authoritative in search engines. After identifying and listing the backlink profile of your competitors and your industry, we get the necessary backlinks to your site. Apart from that, we get promotional-style backlinks from other quality sites that can add authority to your site.
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Frequently Asked Questions

First of all, we check what your competitors are doing rather than analyzing your site. By determining what your competitors are doing, we draw a roadmap for your brand. After our competitor analysis, we perform analysis to identify your site's strengths and weaknesses and infrastructure problems. By improving the keywords we find in our competitor analysis, we notify our content producing team about these transactions. After your technical infrastructure and on-site optimization process is finished, we accelerate our off-site work. However, our priority is always to find and edit the errors found in the site. After our analysis, you will be informed by seeing all the work we have done with the reports we will give you monthly.

  • Why Should I Work With You?
    If you want your brand to be more authoritative and perform better in search engines, you should consider working with our Simur Digital expert team. We would love to share with you the many struggles we have achieved in line with the wishes and goals of many brands we serve.
  • Will we be in contact?
    Simur Digital's expert team uses many communication platforms in line with your brand's request. We want to communicate quickly to be able to communicate with you better and listen to your problems.
  • Will I Get Regular Reporting?
    After we start working with your brand, we send you our monthly regular reports via the contact forms you want.