SEO Service

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO, also known as “Search Engine Optimization”, includes the optimization process that is performed so that your site ranks high in search engines. Thanks to the SEO works, individual or corporate internet sites rank high in search engines. In general, making your internet site compliant with the search engine criteria is called SEO. With the works that we do as the Simur Digital team, we can tell you how important the SEO optimization process is. We perform SEO works that are suitable for your brand’s goals in order to succeed in SEO and get ahead of your rivals in search engines. Instead of working long-term, we professionally work to get your brand to rank better with all of our knowledge. Trust us with the SEO because we know your site’s brand recognition, organic traffic and rankings depend on the correct execution of the SEO works!

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How is a SEO strategy work done?

In its most basic sense, SEO refers to the organic traffic and rankings that internet sites get thanks to their optimization based on the search engine criteria. SEO refers to the processes that help users who are searching on search engines to find the best information or service. Internet sites are able to achieve their targeted success as a result of the correct execution of all procedures in terms of SEO. However, because many individual or corporate brands misunderstand the SEO works, they suffer. Simur Digital and our expert team conduct the SEO works in line with the budgets and goals of the brands and also make a strong impression with their communication with the brands. By informing the brand owners who do not know about SEO, we explain what we do in the best way possible. Thus, the brand owners or managers are able to understand the things that we do. We can easily say that SEO works rely on the right teamwork. As a team, we find the shortcomings of your brand in terms of SEO and make the necessary adjustments. This way, your internet site always remains in compliance with the SEO criteria and up-to-date.

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Our Pride Painting!

Want to see the words with the highest search volume that we've had first page success with so far?

Search Terms Average Monthly Searches
Teeth Whitening
Gift Box
Monthly Search Volume
  • In the Left 10 Words 610.100
  • Keywords We Put On The First Page 3.789.000

SEO Roadmap!

We have prepared a Roadmap consisting of 6 steps to achieve success in SEO studies in a short time.

  • Keyword Analysis
  • Content Optimization
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Site Analysis
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-Page Optimization
  • Keyword Analysis

    The keyword analysis process is the stage where words that have a high search volume int he sector to which your site appeals and that will get organic traffic and recycling for your site. Our keyword analysis process occur in line with your brand’s requests and the requested target words are selected. We separate the keywords that are determined and that are desired by the brands and collect them in a list. We determine your keywords with certain SEO tools and determine the contents to be written. Keyword analysis is performed correctly as per the brand’s requests as it is a starting point for the SEO process.
  • Content Optimization

    Content optimization is our process that is executed after the keyword analysis. We divide the keywords that we determine into groups like blogs and service content and make the contents much more quality than they are. Content has become extremely important after the Google Panda algorithm has stepped in. Users getting the information or service that they want depends on contents being of quality. As Simur Digital, we are aware of why content matters and we conduct our works accordingly.
  • Competitor Analysis

    Competitor analysis is one of the parts that we execute early in our SEO works. Thanks to competitor analysis, we examine from which contents your rivals get traffic, which keywords they use, their monthly organic traffic and their backlink strategy at this stage. We can say that this analysis is our stage where we create the roadmap for the SEO that we prepare for your brand. Competitor analysis is done to determine what your rivals are doing right or wrong. We execute the progress strategy of your brand based on the outcome after the analysis.
  • Site Analysis

    The analysis brings out what affects the performance of your site in the search engines. The SEO analysis process is a general work that we perform to determine whether your site is SEO-friendly. With our site analysis process, we can determine why your brand is suffering a fall in the search engines or why it cannot perform well. In our site analysis process, SEO criteria controls are done like your old contents, your meta descriptions and titles, mobile compatibility, coding structure and user experience. The mistakes affecting your site’s performance are found as a result of these controls, and the correction process begins.
  • On-Page Optimization

    The shortcomings and mistakes that are found after the site analysis start being corrected during the on-page optimization process. On-page optimization, and many works like internet sites being user-friendly, contents and coding structure constitute the foundation of on-page SEO. Users who are coming in from search engines being able to find what they want on your site and to navigate is when your site is user-friendly. The on-page SEO works will make sure that your target audience is loyal to your site, visit it and spend more time in it. Your brand delivering the desired performance in search engines depend on the correct execution of the on-page SEO optimization process. Therefore, our expert team cares greatly about the on-page SEO optimization process and ensures that the right actions are taken.
  • Off-Page Optimization

    All interventions that will be done to your site externally are known as off-page SEO works. The biggest impact on the rankings in search engines are from off-page SEO works. Types of backlink such as comments, introduction letters and profile generally include the off-page optimization process. As the Simur Digital team, the off-page optimization process of your rivals is scrutinized in detail after your site analysis. The quality of their links and their traffic are determined, and a map is created as per your brand’s goals.
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